Nesyflex 4 Tubos 55w

Pantalla Dulux de 55w x 4 tubos

The Nesyflex is a compact softlight that is optimised for universal use in TV and video studios.
With its patented ”V-shaped” fluorescent tube arrangement, Nesyflex radiates an extremely even, outstandingly bright light at a uniquely wide angle.

Its low heat development compared to conventional lights and the shorter time required for illumination settings makes Nesyflex a strong partner in studios!

Impressive is also the very high light output – equipped with four Nesys 55 Watt fluorescent tubes, the light output is comparable to that of a 1 kW halogen light!

With its extensive range of accessories the Nesyflex can be adapted to suit the desired purpose fast and at low cost. If, for instance, one uses the DMX controls, almost any number of lights can be switched in series and operated with a single control unit.

Incluye Palas, Porta Gelatinas, Dimer independiente o Control Dimer DMX.

Precio alquiler: 26,00 €/día


  • Nesy Lite 4 tubos a 55w
  • Nesy Lite 4 tubos a 55w

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